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NMR Tubes

Deutero GmbH is specialized in NMR tubes and NMR equipment. Our NMR tubes of all important producers are available from stock in different grades, starting from disposable tubes for routine analysis up to a 900 MHz tube.

Offers at present:

  • Deutero NMR Tubes
  • Shigemi NMR Tubes
  • Wilmad NMR Tubes
  • Kontes NMR Tubes

All tubes are delivered with matching caps.

Deutero NMR Tubes

5 mm NMR Tube Boro 5.1 (ASTM Type 1 Class B glass)
Item numberO.D. (mm)Wall thickness (mm)Concentricity (μm)Camber (μm)Length(inch)Packed in lots ofPrice per tube (Euro)AmountAdd to Cart
Boroeco-5-74,950 ± 0,0300,43257571000,96
Boroeco-5-84,950 ± 0,0300,43257581001,16
Boro300-5-74,950 ± 0,0200,43725752,30
Boro300-5-84,950 ± 0,0200,43725852,40
Boro400-5-74,950 ± 0,0150,43713753,20
Boro400-5-84,950 ± 0,0150,43713853,40
Boro500-5-74,950 ± 0,0150,43513754,60
Boro500-5-84,950 ± 0,0150,43513854,90
Boro600-5-74,950 ± 0,0100,4344756,90
Boro600-5-84,950 ± 0,0100,4344857,40
Boro800-5-74,950 ± 0,0050,43337511,50
Boro800-5-84,950 ± 0,0050,43338524,90
5 mm NMR tube amberized Boro 5.1 (ASTM Type 1 Class B glass)
Item numberO.D. (mm)Wall thickness (mm)Concentricity (μm)Camber (μm)Length(inch)Packed in lots ofPrice per tube (Euro)AmountAdd to Cart
Boro300-5-7-amb4,950 ± 0,0200,437257524,90
Boro400-5-7-amb4,950 ± 0,0150,437137526,10
Boro500-5-7-amb4,950 ± 0,0150,435137527,30
5 mm NMR Tube Boro 5.1 PLUS (ASTM Type 1 Class B glass)
Item numberO.D. (mm)Wall thickness (mm)Concentricity (μm)Camber (μm)Length(inch)Packed in lots ofPrice per tube (Euro)AmountAdd to Cart
Boroeco-5-7-plus4,950 ± 0,0300,40257571001,10
Boro400-5-7-plus4,950 ± 0,0150,40713753,60
5 mm NMR Tube Boro 3.3 (ASTM Type 1 Class A glass)
Item numberO.D. (mm)Wall thickness (mm)Concentricity (μm)Camber (μm)Length(inch)Price per tube (Euro)AmountAdd to Cart
D-5-103,5-o4,950 ± 0,03000,38257541,20
D200-5-74,950 ± 0,0300,38252572,30
D200-5-84,950 ± 0,0300,38252582,60
D200-5-94,950 ± 0,0300,38252593,30
D300-5-74,950 ± 0,0200,3872573,50
D300-5-84,950 ± 0,0200,3872583,80
D300-5-94,950 ± 0,0200,3872594,60
D400-5-74,950 ± 0,0150,3871375,10
D400-5-84,950 ± 0,0150,3871385,50
D400-5-94,950 ± 0,0150,3871396,30
D500-5-74,950 ± 0,0150,3851376,30
D500-5-84,950 ± 0,0150,3851386,80
D500-5-94,950 ± 0,0150,3851397,90
D600-5-74,950 ± 0,0100,3857711,40
D600-5-84,950 ± 0,0100,3857812,70
D600-5-94,950 ± 0,0100,3857914,40
5 mm NMR tube amberized Boro 3.3 (ASTM Type 1 class A glass)
Item numberO.D. (mm)Wall thickness (mm)Concentricity (μm)Camber (μm)Length(inch)Price per tube (Euro)AmountAdd to Cart
D300-5-7-amb4,950 ± 0,0200,38725728,60
D400-5-7-amb4,950 ± 0,0150,38713730,30
D500-5-7-amb4,950 ± 0,0150,38513732,80
3 mm NMR tube Boro 3.3 (ASTM Type 1 class A glass)
Item numberO.D. (mm)Wall thickness (mm)Concentricity (μm)Camber (μm)Length(inch)Price per tube (Euro)AmountAdd to Cart
D-3-103,5-o2,970 ± 0,0300,30257542,10
Deco-3-72,970 ± 0,0300,30257572,20
D300-3-72,970 ± 0,0200,3072578,00
D600-3-72,970 ± 0,0100,3044711,00
D800-3-72,970 ± 0,0050,3033716,60
10 mm NMR Tube Boro 5.1 (ASTM Type 1 Class glass)
Item numberO.D. (mm)Wall thickness (mm)Concentricity (μm)Camber (μm)Length(inch)Packed in lots ofPrice per tube (Euro)AmountAdd to Cart
Boroeco-10-79,950 ± 0,0300,602545171002,30
Boroeco-10-89,950 ± 0,0300,602545181003,00
Boro300-10-79,970 ± 0,0200,607638739,90
Boro300-10-89,970 ± 0,0200,6076388311,00
Boro500-10-79,950 ± 0,0100,6038137314,40
Boro500-10-89,950 ± 0,0100,6038138316,20
5 mm NMR Tube Quartz Glass
Item numberO.D. (mm)Wall thickness (mm)Concentricity (μm)Camber (μm)Length(inch)Price per tube (Euro)AmountAdd to Cart
Qtz300-5-74,950 ± 0,0300,38725729,10
Qtz500-5-74,950 ± 0,0150,38513735,20
DEU Quant NMR Tube
Item numberO.D. (mm)I.D. (mm)Wall thickness (mm)Concentricity (μm)Camber (μm)Length(inch)Price per tube (Euro)AmountAdd to Cart
Deuquant-5-74,966 ± 0,0044,166 ± 0,0040,404478,60
NMR Tube with Screw Cap (septum or closed top)
Item numberO.D. (mm)Wall thickness (mm)Concentricity (μm)Camber (μm)Length(inch)Price per tube (Euro)AmountAdd to Cart
ds300-5-74,950 ± 0,0200,38725718,30
ds300-5-7-s4,950 ± 0,0200,38725718,30
ds500-5-74,950 ± 0,0150,38513722,20
ds500-5-7-s4,950 ± 0,0150,38513722,20
Screwcapclosed top--------10,90
Screwcap-sseptum top--------10,90
NMR Tube with constriction
Item numberO.D. (mm)Wall thickness (mm)Concentricity (μm)Camber (μm)Length(inch)Price per tube (Euro)AmountAdd to Cart
Boroct300-5-74,950 ± 0,0200,4372583,30
Boroct400-5-74,950 ± 0,0150,4372587,10
Boroct500-5-74,950 ± 0,0150,4351389,70
NMR Tube with Young PTFE Valve
Item numberO.D. (mm)Wall thickness (mm)Concentricity (μm)Camber (μm)Length(inch)Packed in lots ofPrice per tube (Euro)AmountAdd to Cart
ptfe300-5-74,950 ± 0,020 0,387257186,80
ptfe300-5-84,950 ± 0,0200,387258189,00
ptfe500-5-74,950 ± 0,0150,385137195,90
ptfe500-5-1954,950 ± 0,0150,385137192,30
ptfe500-5-84,950 ± 0,0150,385138198,20
5mm NMR Tube 3.3 Complete (Coaxial System complete, 3 mm Insert Tube)
Item numberO.D. (mm)Wall thickness (mm)Concentricity (μm)Camber (μm)Length(inch)Price per tube (Euro)AmountAdd to Cart
Complete-5-3-74,950 ± 0,0200,38513838,00
NMR Coaxial Tube (Bruker = b, Varian = v)
Item numberO.D. (mm)Wall thickness (mm)Concentricity (μm)Camber (μm)Length(inch)Price per tube (Euro)AmountAdd to Cart
coaxialb-5-73,950 ± 0,0200,38725841,30
coaxialv-5-73,950 ± 0,0200,38725841,30
coaxial-5-7-ot4,950 ± 0,0200,3872573,30
PTFE Liner (for 5 mm tubes)
Item numberO.D. (mm)Price per tube (Euro)AmountAdd to Cart
DTL-5-4-74 mm19,80
Benchtop NMR Tube
Item numberO.D. (mm)Wall thickness (mm)Concentricity (μm)Camber (μm)Length(inch)Packed in lots ofPrice per tube (Euro)AmountAdd to Cart
Benchtop-5-74,950 ± 0,0400,4325757100on request
NMR tubes for Bruker Sample Jet
Item numberO.D. (mm)Wall thickness (mm)Concentricity (μm)Camber (μm)Length(inch) Packed in lots ofPrice per tube (Euro)AmountAdd to Cart
Boro-5-103,5-o4,950 ± 0,0300,43257541000,96

Deutero Accessories

NMR Caps 5 mm
Item numberColorPacked in lots ofPrice/pack (Euro)AmountAdd to Cart
caps-5-100(random color)1008,00
NMR Caps 3 mm
Item numberPacked in lots ofPrice/pack (Euro)AmountAdd to Cart
NMR Caps 10 mm
Item numberPacked in lots ofPrice/pack (Euro)AmountAdd to Cart
PTFE Caps 5 mm
Item numberPacked in lots ofPrice/pack (Euro)AmountAdd to Cart
Pasteur Pipettes
Item numberLengths (mm)Packed in lots of Price/pack(€)AmountAdd to Cart
pasteur150 150 mm 250 11,40
pasteur230 230 mm 250 12,00
pasteur310 310 mm 250 31,20
Pipette Bulbs
Item numberColourPacked in lots ofPrice/pack (Euro)AmountAdd to Cart
bulbgreygrey (2 ml)1 on request
2-Part Disposable Syringes with Luer tip
Item numberVolumePacked in lots ofPrice/pack (Euro)AmountAdd to Cart
syr11 ml10010,60
syr22 ml1005,20
syr55 ml1008,10
syr1010 ml10010,60
syr2020 ml10014,00
Disposable needles with Luer tip
Item numberSizePacked in lots ofPrice/pack (Euro)AmountAdd to Cart
needle08x1200,8 x 120 mm10025,20
needle09x700,9 x 70 mm1009,10
needle08x400,8 x 40 mm1003,40
NMR Spatula
Item numbermaterialSizePrice/each (Euro)AmountAdd to Cart
spatel18/8 stainless steel3 x 215 mm4,70
NMR Funnel
Item numberRim O.D. mmStem length mmStem O.D. mmStem I.D. mmPrice/each (Euro)AmountAdd to Cart
NMR Tube Rack
Item numberPrice/each (Euro)AmountAdd to Cart
nmrrackfor 72 tubes (5 mm)65,00
NMR Tube Washer
Item numberconnectionPrice/each (Euro)AmountAdd to Cart
washerground joint NS 29 / 3294,00
Item numberLength(mm)Packed in lots ofPrice/pack (Euro)AmountAdd to Cart
pipe170170 mm803,30
pipe300300 mm505,30
NMR Brush
Item numberPacked in lots ofPrice/pack (Euro)AmountAdd to Cart
Micro Torch
Item numberSizePrice/pack (Euro)AmountAdd to Cart
torch85 mm x 143 mm x 46 mm99,90
Rubber Ballon
Item numberPacked in lots ofPrice/each (Euro)AmountAdd to Cart
Vials with rubber/PTFE closure (text field)
Item numberPacked in lots ofPrice/pack (Euro)AmountAdd to Cart
Stopper with reversible rim
Item numberPacked in lots ofPrice/pack (Euro)AmountAdd to Cart
stopfen141 on request


Item numberPacked in lots ofPrice/pack (Euro)AmountAdd to Cart

Wilmad NMR Tubes

We offer the whole Wilmad programme.


Complete setLength (inch)OD (mm)ID (mm)Wall Thickness (mm)Concentricity (microns)Camber (microns)Price/ each (Euro)
Wilmad 507-PP-774,9635 ± 0,00654,2065 ± 0,00650,38512512,40

Prices on demand!

Kontes NMR Tubes

Complete setLength (mm)OD (mm)ID (mm)Concentricity (microns)Camber ±(microns)Price/ each (Euro)
897225-000074,953 ± 0,01274,064 ± 0,0127511311,30


Prices on demand!

Kimble-Chase Glassware

We are the distributor in Germany for the Glassware from Kimble Chase.

..Kimble Chase Website

..Kimble Chase article list

Please ask us for the products you need. We shall offer a competitive price. 

J.Young Valve

Vaccum tap inline
Item numberOutletDescriptionPrice/each (Euro)AmountAdd to Cart
SPOR/11 mminline, Feingewinde67,90
SPOR/22 mminline, Feingewinde67,90
SPOR/33 mminline, Feingewinde67,90
SPOR/44 mminline, Feingewinde67,90
SPOR/55 mminline, Feingewinde74,60
SPOR/66 mminline, Feingewinde74,60
SPOR/88 mminline, Feingewinde74,60
SPOR/1010 mminline, Feingewinde74,60
SPOR/1515 mminline, Feingewinde120,00
SPOR/2020 mminline, Feingewinde241,30
SPOR/2525 mminline, Feingewinde241,30
Vacuum tap orthogonal
Item numberOutletDescriptionPrice/each (Euro)AmountAdd to Cart
POR/1/RA1 mmrechtwinklig, Feingewinde67,90
POR/2/RA2 mmrechtwinklig, Feingewinde67,90
POR/3/RA3 mmrechtwinklig, Feingewinde67,90
POR/4/RA4 mmrechtwinklig, Feingewinde67,90
POR/5/RA5 mmrechtwinklig, Feingewinde74,60
POR/6/RA6 mmrechtwinklig, Feingewinde74,60
POR/8/RA8 mmrechtwinklig, Feingewinde74,60
POR/10/RA10 mmrechtwinklig, Feingewinde74,60
POR/15/RA15 mmrechtwinklig, Feingewinde120,00
POR/20/RA20 mmrechtwinklig, Feingewinde241,30
POR/25/RA25 mmrechtwinklig, Feingewinde241,30


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